Extreme panorama camera, format 6×17 cm on roll film
The rugged die-cast professional camera for reliable performance without the need of batteries under the most rugged working conditions „on location“ such as travel photography, expeditions, adventure. Ideal for hand-held use producing professional large format quality which can normally only be achieved with 5×7 in. large format cameras.
The Linhof Shift Adapter with wide-angle lenses offering an extremely wide shift range of 30 mm (15 mm each up and down). The Shift Adapter can be used with all existing Technorama bodies accepting interchangeable lenses. Image control with Groundglass Back T 617 + Magnifier Adapter + Magnifier.
Production of the T617 lenses was discontinued years ago. These are no longer available. However, customer’s own lenses can be installed in the corresponding tube. Standard lenses can be converted into Technorama 617s III shift system lenses, including helical mount.
000113 Technorama 617s III – available
Body, dimension: 270 x 58 x 114 mm
Weight: 1380 g (Body without viewfinder, without lens, with strap)
Technorama 617s III – lenses – not available
000909 Technorama Super-Angulon XL 5,6 / 72
000910 Technorama Super-Angulon XL 5,6 / 90
000913 Technorama Super-Symmar XL 5,6 / 110
000911 Technorama Apo-Symmar L 5,6 / 180
000915 Technorama Tele-Xenar 5,6 / 250
Production of the T617 lenses was discontinued years ago. These are not longer available. However, customer’s own lenses can be installed in the corresponding tube. Standard lenses can be converted. Matching protection rings are mandatory to protect the lenses and are newly available. Matching viewfinders are also newly available.
Installation – customer’s own standard objectives in Technorama 617s III tube (incl. helical mount) € 1.995,00
The following customer’s own objectives can be installed in the corresponding Technorama tube:
U00909 Conversion in Technorama Super-Angulon XL 5,6 / 72 – plus € 450,00 for modification – at the customer’s risk
U00913 Conversion in Technorama Super-Symmar XL 5,6 / 110
U00911 Conversion in Technorama Apo-Symmar 5,6 / 180 (only the older version without “L)
U00915 Conversion in Technorama Tele-Xenar 5,6 / 250
Super-Angulon XL 5,6 / 90 conversion to Technorama tube – not possible
(requires special optics with reduced rear lens group)
Apo-Symmar L 5.6 / 180 Conversion to Technorama tube – not possible
(requires special optics with reduced rear lens group)
Technorama viewfinder – available
001301 Technorama viewfinder for f 72
001306 Technorama viewfinder for f 110
001303 Technorama viewfinder for f 180
001304 Technorama viewfinder for f 250
Dimension: 65 x 40 x 52 mm, weight: 120 g
001302 Technorama viewfinder for f 90 – not longer available!
Protection rings – available and strongly recommended
001903 Protection ring for Super-Angulon XL 5,6 / 72 und XL 5,6 / 90
001902 Protection ring for Super-Symmar XL 5,6 / 110
001904 Protection ring for Technorama Tele-Xenar 5,6 / 250
(Protection ring for Apo-Symmar L 5,6/180 not necessary)
Center filter – not available
Production of center filter was discontinued years ago. These are not longer available:
022302 Center filter for f 72 – not available
022283 Center filter for f 90 – not available
022282 Center filter for f 110 – not available
Accessories – available
001906 Technorama 617 filter holder
101243 Dark slide 617 (spare)
064362 Lens cap for Technorama 617s III
022489 Aluminum case Technorama 617s III for camera with 2 lenses, viewfinder, groundglass back
022497 Universal-Photobag (König)
022499 Insert for Universal-Photobag T 617 (spare)
Cable release – available
064013 – Cable release (spare) for f 72 mm, 155 mm length (000909 lens)
101607 – Cable release (spare) for f 90 / 110 mm, 185 mm length (000910/913 lens)
064499 – Cable release (spare) for f 180 / 250 mm, 260 mm length (000911/915 lens)
T 617 Shift system
Technorama 617 shift adapter for f 72, 90, 110 mm (001650) – available
Dimensions: 240 x 60 x 143 mm, weight: 588 g
Technorama 617s III – lenses for shift system – not available
Production of the T617 lenses was discontinued years ago. These are no longer available:
000943 T617 shift lens Super-Angulon XL 5,6 / 72
000944 T617 shift lens Super-Angulon XL 5,6 / 90
000945 T617 shift lens Super-Symmar XL 5,6/ 110
Installation – Customer’s own standard lenses in Technorama 617s III shift system (incl. helical mount).
However, customer’s own lenses can be installed in the corresponding tube:
U00943 Installation in T617 shift system for Super-Angulon XL 5,6 / 72 – € 1.995,00 plus 450,00 for modification (at customer’s risk)
U00945 Installation in T617 shift system for Super-Symmar XL 5,6/ 110 – € 1.995,00
Super-Angulon XL 5.6 / 90 conversion – not possible
(requires special optics with reduced rear lens group)
Protection rings to protect the lenses are strongly recommended and available:
001903 protection ring for Super-Angulon XL 5,6 / 72 and XL 5,6 / 90
001902 protection ring for Super-Symmar XL 5,6 / 110
Conversion – customer’s own Technorama lenses in Technorama 617s III shift system
€ 1.350,00
001743 Conversion in T617 shift system for Super-Angulon XL 5,6 / 72
001744 Conversion in T617 shift system for Super-Angulon XL 5,6 / 90
001745 Conversion in T617 shift system for Super-Symmar XL 5,6/ 110
001640 Groundglass back T 617s III
Dimension: 250 x 70 x 101 mm, weight: 850 g
Cable release (spare) – available
101572 Cable release (spare) for f 72 mm (000943 shift lens)
101573 Cable release (spare) for f 90 mm (000944 shift lens)
101574 Cable release (spare) for f 110 mm (000945 shift lens)
Shifting with Technorama shift system