(001707) Linhof M679 and Techno Adapter for Hasselblad X1D-Mount
Price list 2024/2025
Please note that due to the sharp increase in energy, material and procurement costs, it is necessary to adjust the prices of some products. Enclosed you will find our price list valid from 01 November 2024.
Adapter 617 International Back / Graflok
With the Linhof Adapter 617 (001688), the body of the Technorama 617s III can be attached to a Master Technika or also to another camera with Graflok back. This makes it possible to take pictures in panorama format 6×17 cm on rollfilm with camera movements, such as shift, tilt and Scheimpflug.
Price: 329,00 Euro plus VAT
Further information
Camera movements with system cameras
M679 and Techno Adapter for Sony E-Mount
(001708) Linhof M679 and Techno Adapter for Sony E-Mount
M679 and Techno Adapter for Canon EOS EF-Mount
(001709) Linhof M679 and Techno Adapter for Canon EOS EF-Mount
M679 and Techno Adapter for Fuji GFX G-Mount
(001706) Linhof M 679 and Techno adapter for Fuji GFX F-Mount
M679 and Techno Adapter for Nikon F-Mount
(001710) Linhof M 679 and Techno adapter for Nikon F-Mount
Hasselblad X1D Mount Adapter for TK/ST 6×9
(001727) Hasselblad X1D Mount Adapter for TK/ST 6×9
Canon EOS EF-Mount Adapter for TK/ST 6×9
(001729) Canon EOS EF-Mount Adapter for TK/ST 6×9
Sony E-Mount Adapter for TK/ST 6×9
(001728) Sony E-Mount Adapter for TK/ST 6×9
Fuji GFX G-Mount Adapter for TK/ST 6×9
(001726) Fuji GFX G-Mount Adapter for TK/ST 6×9
Nikon F-Mount Adapter for TK/ST 6×9
(001730) Nikon F-Mount Adapter for TK/ST 6×9
Linhof Cable release red in cotton
bag with logo
with Linhof logo, 15×20 cm
Product: cable release 800 mm, red
Lensboard for
HR Digaron Macro 5,6/105
M 679 Lensboard for HR Digaron Macro 105 mm f/5,6
(001166) M 679 lensboard for Rodenstock HR Digaron Macro 105 mm f/5,6
Technika lensboard for HR Digaron Macro 105 mm f/5,6
(001028) Technika lensboard 4×5 for Rodenstock HR Digaron Macro 105 mm f/5,6
Lensboard for
HR Digaron-SW float 6,5/138
Technika/Techno lensboard for HR Digaron-SW float 6,5/138
(001180) Technika/Techno lensboard for HR Digaron-SW float 6,5/138
Lensboard M 679 for HR Digaron-SW float 6,5/138
(001181) M 679 lensboard for HR Digaron-SW float 6,5/138
Linhof channel on YouTube
On the YouTube channel “LINHOF CAMERAS MADE IN MUNICH” we will show stories from and about photographers. Information about different camera systems as well as shooting techniques will be provided. We want to build a lively portal that can only succeed through the cooperation of many interested people.
Our Instagram account:
Our Instagram account @linhof_munich is now back in our possession. We thank all the followers who have been loyal to us!
Please help us to fight against cybercrime!
Thank you!
Your Linhof Team